Registra�on Welcome Cocktail Guests to be seated Arrival of Guest-of-Honour
6.55pm 7.00pm 7.15pm
Welcome Address Awards Ceremony Dinner Recep�on End
8.00pm 9.00pm
P resident’s F oreword
The President’s Science and Technology Awards (PSTA) recognise Singapore’s top research talents in the fields of physical, engineering and life sciences. This year, we celebrate individuals who have made excep�onal contribu�ons to membrane science and biomedical research. We also recognise the outstanding efforts of our young scien�sts with the Young Scien�st Awards (YSA). This year’s recipients have made breakthroughs in the areas of biophotonics, sustainable catalysis and radical chemistry. My hear�elt congratula�ons to all the 2024 PSTA and YSA winners. Your achievements do yourself, your families, and Singapore proud. I wish all of you the very best in your future endeavours and I trust that your accomplishments will be a beacon that inspires future genera�ons of Singaporeans and beyond.
Tharman Shanmugaratnam president of the republic of singapore
The President’s Science & Technology Awards (PSTA) are the highest honours bestowed on excep�onal research scien�sts and engineers in Singapore for their excellent achievements in science and technology. These na�onal awards are given annually to recognise and celebrate outstanding and invaluable contribu�ons by individuals or teams to the research and development landscape in Singapore. 2009 marked the first year that the President’s Science & Technology Awards were presented. The awards, formerly known as the Na�onal Science & Technology Awards since 1987, were elevated to the status of the President’s awards to highlight and give due recogni�on to the important role research scien�sts and engineers play in Singapore. The pres�ge of the President’s awards underpins Singapore’s efforts to raise the level of excellence in research and strengthen the growing community of scien�fic talent in Singapore. The President’s Science & Technology Awards is made up of three different awards, namely, the President’s Science & Technology Medal, the President’s Science Award and the President’s Technology Award. The winners of the respec�ve awards have been carefully chosen through a rigorous process by a selec�on commi�ee comprising key representa�ves from the government, industry, academia and public research ins�tutes.
The President’s Science and Technology Medal (PSTM) is awarded to outstanding individuals who have made dis�nguished, sustained and excep�onal contribu�ons and played a strategic role in the development of Singapore through the promo�on and management of R&D.
Execu�ve Director, Ins�tute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Agency for Science, Technology and Research Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Na�onal University of Singapore P rof H ong W anj in For his outstanding contributions in building up the biomedical sciences research ecosystem in Singapore, particu larly through strengthening public sector, academic and clinical research partner ships, nurturing scientific talent, and promoting innovation to support Singa pore’s economic development “ “
The Young Scien�st Awards (YSA) recognise young researchers, aged 35 years and below, who are ac�vely engaged in R&D in Singapore, and who have shown great poten�al to be world-class researchers in their fields of exper�se. This award is organised by the Singapore Na�onal Academy of Science (SNAS) and supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
Y oung S CIENti st A wards
Senior Scien�st, Ins�tute of Bioengineering and Bioimaging, Agency for Science, Technology and Research P rof H ong W anj in
For his work in developing and translating novel bio-optical technologies and medical technology innovations “ “
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